Was Bea Arthur Gay or Bi? Everything About Her Sexuality

Bea Arthur, an American actress, has dominated the entertainment industry for decades. The news was made about her not only for her hit dramas and movies but for her bravery in working for human rights. 

What was Bea Arthur's sexuality? Was she gay or straight?
Bea Arthur & Angela Lansbury by Alan Light licensed under CC BY 2.0

She raised her voice to bring justice to women and homosexuals. The way she fought for the gay community, they had to promote Bea as their icon. 

Why do you think Bea Arthur supported gay people? Does it mean she too was one of them? Learn here her real sexual orientation. 

Why Did People Consider Bea Arthur as Gay? 

The famous actress Bea Arthur had many fans including straight and queer people. She had several homosexual supporters and they used to consider her as their icon. It became a big headline. 

When slowly her fans got to know that Bea supported the gay community and has become a gay icon, they automatically began to doubt her. In the 1970s gay people were not accepted by society, including those who supported LGBTQ groups. 

Since it was known that Arthur stands beside them for their rights, she too was considered homosexual. Although not every single fan of hers doubted her sexuality but most did. 

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Did Bea Arthur Ever Come Out as Gay? 

Famous celebrities’ names get dirty with many unproven rumors. The Golden Girls drama actress Arthur was also criticized for something that she was not. The majority of people back then used to think that this actress is homosexual. 

But Bea has never mentioned herself as gay. There’s no written statement or not even an interview where she revealed her sexuality. Maybe she didn’t care about all that gossip. Since she had never come out while being alive we believe Bea Arthur was not gay. 

Bea Arthur Was Physically Attracted to Men 

We should not doubt a star as homosexual or bisexual unless they either admit it or have an affair with someone same-sex. We’ve checked her relationship timeline but couldn’t find evidence that the ‘Mame’ actress dated at least one lady. 

She always had affairs with high-profile men and got married to two of her boyfriends. Her first marriage was with Robert Alan Arthur. They got married in 1944 and split 6 years later in 1950. The couple had no child. 

In 1950 Bea married her second husband, Gene Saks, after dating for some time. They were married for 28 years and became parents of two children. They are known as Daniel Saks and Matthew Saks. In 1978 they ended everything between them. 

By the time Bea Arthur got too sick and old. Hence she didn’t marry after her last divorce. Her interest in men is enough to clear any gay rumor. 

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Final Words

Bea Arthur was a beautiful actress who fought for many people’s rights including women’s and gay people’s equal rights. 

People misunderstood her sexual orientation for speaking for homosexual people but she didn’t care about any of that and continued showing her support. 

Bea Arthur was a heterosexual lady. She had husbands, and relationships with different men before marriage, and gave birth to two biological children.

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