Is Adam Levine Gay? What’s Adam Levine’s Sexuality?

Adam Levine is Maroon 5’s lead vocalist. Such a famous personality is often rumored as gay; however, he doesn’t pay any attention to such false news. 

What's Adam Levine's actual sexuality? Is he gay or straight?
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Levine’s brother is gay, but he is straight. While many celebrities hide their sexual orientation, Adam Levine openly talked about his true sexuality. 

So let’s know from his speeches if Adam Levine is gay. What’s his sexual orientation? Let’s not talk further and jump to the truth.

Is Adam Levine Gay? What Did He Say About The Gay Rumors? 

Adam doesn’t seem to care for the gay rumors about him. In an interview with OUT Magazine, he said, “I’m extremely comfortable in my sexuality, so I can think, ‘Oh, that’s a good-looking dude. Acknowledging that someone’s attractive and wanting to f–k a dude are two different things.” 

He added, “There’s no way to hide my straightness, but if people didn’t think there was a small chance I was gay, then I wouldn’t be doing my job very well. Look at the best ones, guys whose sexuality was always questioned. Bowie. Jagger. Freddie Mercury. I wouldn’t be the frontman of a band if that question hadn’t come up at some point.” 

According to Levine, sexuality is something that people are born with, and it’s nothing you can acquire. This is what he also told OUT “I can single-handedly dispel any ideas that sexuality is acquired,” Levine laughs. “Trust me; you’re born with it. My brother is gay, and we knew when he was two. We all knew.” 

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When he and his family were questioned about why his brother became gay and how they felt about it? He answered, “We all really wanted to provide some cushion for him and constantly let him know that it’s OK.”

He added, “A lot of people don’t want their kid to be gay and will fight it at all costs. But I’ve got news for you — it’s a losing f–k*ng battle. The more you fight it, the more f–k*d-up your kid’s gonna be. You’ve just gotta embrace it from the beginning. That’s the only way to deal with it as a family.”

Adam Levine with his gay brother.

This clears all up, and so next, you are asked by someone if Adam Levine is gay. Tell the person his brother is gay, not the American singer.

Who is Adam Levine’s Spouse? 

Adam Levine’s sexuality is straight. He is even married to Behati Prinsloo, a Namibian model. They fell in love by chatting online. After a whole month of sending emails to each other, they met at a boxing studio.

Behati told PorterEdit about how they met for the first time, “I went to L.A. for a job, and that was the first time we met in person. I remember walking in: I opened the door, and it was the classic moment where the light shines into the dark studio and everyone turns to look at me. He had boxing gloves on and he came to hug me – it was so awkward.” 


Adam Levine is not gay; he cannot be a homosexual because he loved a woman and married her. Although his brother is gay, he loves the LGBTQ community, but to have a gay sibling or love gay people, one doesn’t have to be a homosexual either.

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