Is Noah Schnapp Gay in Real Life? He Admitted to Being Gay

We all know Will, aka Noah Schnapp, from the popular Netflix series ‘Stranger Things. For all these years, we didn’t know what Will’s sexuality was.

A close look at Noah Schnapp's sexuality, gay rumors, and dating life.
Noah Schnapp by Gage Skidmore licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

But some viewers speculated he was gay. People want to know if Will is gay and if the actor who plays the role, Noah is gay. 

Finally, after season four of Stranger Things premiered, he gave several interviews where Schnapp shared a shocking fact about his role. He also came out as gay. Let’s discover what he said about his and Will’s sexuality. 

Noah Schnapp is Gay in the ‘Stranger Things Series

The Stranger Things series is a big hit. It has so many plot twists that can catch anyone’s attention. It should be since the primary story is about dimensions, interesting indeed. But the dimensions, unknown creatures, and Eleven’s power are not the only surprising things. 

Another huge surprise is Will being gay. Yes, the actor who plays Will’s role has confirmed that ‘Will’ is a homosexual. Although some fans already suspected him as gay, the series slowly made it realize that the character Will has feelings for his friend Mike. 

However, there is no coming out story, but Noah said in an interview with Variety, “Now that he’s gotten older, they made it a very real, obvious thing. Now it’s 100% clear that he is gay, and he does love Mike. But before, it was a slow arc. I think it is done so beautifully, because it’s so easy to make a character just like all of a sudden be gay.”

As Noah acts as Will, he knows about his character well. So, it’s confirmed that Will’s sexuality is gay, but it’s unknown whether he will come out in season five. Fans are hoping for it, but we must wait to see what happens.

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Noah Schnapp Also Came Out as Gay

Noah Schnapp’s sexuality is always under speculation. Different people have different opinions about his sexual orientation. Some say he doesn’t date and playing a gay role means he is gay in real life. But we disagreed on this point. 

We were right. Noah Schnapp is indeed gay. He came out in a TikTok video of his. He captioned the video, “I guess I’m more similar to will than I thought.”

He wrote on the video, “When I finally told my friends and family I was gay after being scared in the closet for 18 years and all they said was ‘we know.”


I guess I’m more similar to will than I thought

♬ original sound – Privacynbling

Many fangirls are hurt after learning the truth about Noah Schnapp’s sexuality. He has always represented himself as a masculine boy but now it’s clear that he was also acting in real life as a straight boy which he is not.

After knowing Noah’s sexual label James Charles is showing interest in him. Check if James Charles is gay, bi, or trans. 

Final Words 

The Stranger Things series surprised us with many plot twists. The character Will expressing his gay love for his best friend is the most surprising of all the twists.

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Although he has not come out of the closet yet, there is a possibility that he will come out in season five. However, the actor Noah Schnapp has publicly admitted to being gay.


Is Will Byers in love with Eleven? 

According to the magazine Variety, Noah, who plays the character Will, has told them that Will does not have feelings for Eleven. However, it seems he only likes his best friend, Mike. 

Is Will Byers LGBT? 

Will Byers from Stranger Things is from the LGBT community. He is homosexual and likes his closest friend Mike who is straight. 

When did Noah Schnapp come out as gay?

Actor Noah Schnapp announced to be gay in the early of /january, 2023. He shared a TikTok video where he said that he informed his family and friends about his sexual orientation.

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