What’s Adam Ant’s Sexuality? Did He Come Out As Gay? 

Stuart Leslie Goddard’s professional name is Adam Ant. He is an English musician. The source of his fame is a group called Adam and the Ants.

Is Adam Ant gay? What's his sexuality?
Adam Ant by Chaosandvoid licensed under CC BY 3.0

Later he began to sing solo songs and made ten hit songs that charted in the top 10 UK hits. Three of his songs got the number one position. 

When he started his career as a musician, he used to play bass for the Bazooka Joe band. He then performed for five years for Adam and the Ants. The talented Stuart developed a masterly career, but gossip about him ruined his prestige. 

Some doubt his sexuality, and in order to get out of any confusion regarding his sexual orientation, people ask, is Adam Ant gay or straight? The doubts will go away once we know if it’s true or rumors. 

Is Adam Ant Gay? 

Adam is famous as a musician, but he also started to write journals. He went on tours, talked with different people, and wrote down stories. He began to publish those journals as books. 

As a journalist, he listens to everyone. He also doesn’t care about a person’s sexuality when it’s about gaining information for his journalism. 

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Depending on his thoughts, he once said something that his followers asked if Adam Ant is gay. What did he say that caused him to go through gay rumors? Well, he said, “People over 30. Anyone over 30 belongs to me. Bisexual, male, female, gay, whatever.” 

Although he meant something in this statement, most people took his words literally. Everyone thought he said he likes everyone over age 30, whether the person is straight, gay, or bisexual.

However, Ant wanted to say he would like to talk and learn from people who are 30 years old. The person’s sexuality will not matter to him, but the experience and information will matter. 

We can’t assume he is gay based on just one statement because he didn’t confirm his sexual orientation. Also, no reports say he dated a man. Instead, he had seven affairs with women. 

Adam Ant Was Married to Two Women In The Past As a Straight Man 

The simplest way to understand Adam’s sexuality is to look at his sexual interests. The singer was attracted to women only. He dated his ex-wives before marrying them. Carol Mills was his first wife, and they reportedly dated before choosing each other as life partners. 

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The couple married in 1975, but they lasted for only seven years and got divorced in 1982. It’s unknown why they split. But we are sure that Adam Ant is not gay because if he were, their marriage couldn’t last more than a year or two. 

After divorcing her first wife, Ant stayed single for 15 years and married Lorraine Gibson the second time in 1997. Unfortunately, they, too, couldn’t make it long. 

The couple welcomed a daughter who is now known as Lily Goddard. Shortly after having their baby, the couple decided to end everything and soon got divorced. He is now single. Adam Ant’s married life helps us assume the true sexuality that he is not gay but straight


Adam Ant’s journey of popularity and achieving success started by singing for the Adam and the Ants group from 1977-1982. 

With the Stand and Deliver singer’s singing, the band successfully reached their first album, Dirk Wears White Sox, the top place on the chart of UK Independent Albums. 

With the increasing fame, the leading artist’s sexuality became a question. However, the singer’s married life and lifestyle revealed his true sexuality to us.

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