Was German Diarist Anne Frank Gay or Bisexual?

There is no need to introduce Anne Frank. Her journal, which details her life in hiding during the Nazi occupation of Amsterdam, made her a famous young Jewish girl. 

What was German Diarist Anne Frank's sexuality? Was she gay, bisexual, or straight?
German Diarist Anne Frank by Robert Sullivan license under Public Domain Mark 1.0

Millions of people all over the world have found hope and inspiration in Anne’s diary, and her narrative has been turned into many plays, movies, and books.

Since the day her name became famous, people’s curiosity to learn about her sexuality was created. Today we will discover her diary and try to understand if she left us with any hint regarding her sexual preference.

Was Anne Frank Gay or Bisexual?

Over the years, there has been a lot of sexual speculation regarding Anne Frank. Based on some of the passages in her diaries, some individuals have speculated that she might have been gay or bisexual. She talked of being interested in other girls and her friendship with Jacqueline van Maarsen, for example.

But it’s crucial to remember that Anne was a teen girl, just like any other teen, who was discovering her feelings and emotions. It is impossible to know what she preferred because her diary entries do not clearly indicate her sexual preferences.

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Anne Frank’s Early Life

On June 12, 1929, Annelies Marie Frank was born in Frankfurt, Germany. Her family was Jewish, and in 1933 they emigrated to Amsterdam to avoid Nazi persecution.

A close look at Anne Frank's Early Life and sexual orientation.
German Diarist Anne Frank by en.wikipedia.org licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Anne and her older sister Margot lived a fairly normal childhood in Amsterdam, attending school, making friends, and having fun.

The Diary

The Frank family and four other persons escaped to a hidden basement in Amsterdam in 1942. Just a few weeks before they went into hiding, Anne got a diary as a birthday present and started writing in it immediately. 

She turned to her diary as her most trusted friend, pouring her heart and soul into its pages. The anxiety, annoyance, and hopelessness Anne and her family experienced throughout their two years in hiding are captured in her diaries. 

She wrote about the suffocating living conditions, the continual worry about being found, and the dullness of confined life. However, she also wrote about her hopes and objectives, her loves and fantasies, and her abiding affection for her family and friends.

The Legacy

Sadly, the Nazis learned about the Frank family in 1944, and Anne and her sister were later transferred to a secret prison. Just a few weeks before Allied forces liberated the camp in March 1945, Anne passed away from typhoid in Bergen-Belsen.

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One of the people who had assisted the family while they were in hiding was Miep Gies, and she gave her diary to Otto Frank, Anne’s father, after the war. Otto made the decision to publish his daughter’s writing after being impressed by its depth and sincerity.

 When “The Diary of Anne Frank” was originally released in 1947, it immediately shot to the top of the international bestseller list.

Final Words

The tale of Anne Frank serves as a powerful reminder of the human spirit’s courage in the face of difficulty. Millions of people have been affected by her journal, and her legacy has inspired future generations. 

In Anne’s words, “I don’t think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains.” Her sexuality is still a matter of dispute. Some believe she was straight, and others consider her gay.

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