Is Wayne Newton Gay? Why Is His Sexuality Being Questioned?

Wayne Newton struggled not to get fame through singing but to make people believe his sexuality was straight. This singer was bullied for having a high vocal when he was younger. 

Wayne Newton's sexuality is explained.
Wayne Newton by bobnrenee licensed under CC BY 2.0

This tragedy didn’t end even after he became famous. Many stars, especially comedians, made fun of him by making gay jokes. This way, Newton was portrayed as someone that he wasn’t. 

This guy is married and has kids. Do you think there’s a possibility of him being gay? We have some exciting news that will work as evidence to reveal Wayne Newton’s Sexual Label. So let’s discover the truth. 

How Johnny Carson Tried to Make Wayne Newton Gay

Singer and actor Wayne Newton has always been criticized for his high-pitched voice. His voice was so feminine that anyone who heard his song would immediately think a female was singing unless they saw the person in the music video. 

And when people used to hear him sing, they thought Wayne Newton was gay. The saddest part is Newton’s most close friend Johnny Carson tried to mock him for his voice and masculinity and portrayed him as gay by throwing some inappropriate jokes. 

Those jokes are bad enough to remember. Carson’s jokes about Newton’s sexuality directed many people in the wrong direction.

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The truth is Wayne Newton isn’t gay, and so he protested against the lies his friend spoke about him in front of thousands of audience. 

In Larry King’s Live ‘The Letter’ singer opened his mouth. After analyzing his speech, he quickly understood that he was heterosexual. 

Wayne Newton is Straight: Here’s What He Said

The Daddy Don’t You Talk So Fast singer was hurt when he discovered that Johnny Carson had made jokes about him and represented him as gay to the audience.

But Wayne Newton knows that he is not gay and his sexuality is straight, so he angrily goes to meet Carson. He said about the entire event to Larry. He said,

“I went to NBC, Burbank, and walked down the halls into his office, and Freddy de Cordova, his producer, was in the office with him. And I walked in, unannounced, I said to Freddy, I said, would you excuse us, please?”

He added, “He was so shocked that he did get up and leave. And I said to Mr. Carson, I said, I don’t know what friend of yours I’ve killed, I don’t know what child of yours I’ve hurt, I don’t know what food I’ve taken out of your mouth, but these jokes about me will stop, and they’ll stop now, or I will kick your ass.”

If Wayne Newton were really gay, he wouldn’t have gotten angry with Carson. He defended his sexual orientation well. Besides, he married twice and had children. Hence, you should no longer believe in false stories about Wayne Newton’s sexual label. 

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Final Words

Although Wayne Newton’s high-pitched vocals confused several fans about his sexual label, he was also praised for it. His voice was different, and it instead made songs more enjoyable. 

The confused fans didn’t hurt Wayne as much as his friend Carson. His friend was successful in falsely portraying him as gay. But Wayne Newton was brave enough to speak about this strongly and let the world know he is not gay.

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